All requests for shamans and Ops must go through me. These positions are to important to just hand out. As such they must fallow the fallowing requirements:
1: Must be a 12uthless bot and/or NF or higher or same squality.
2: I must have password to the account.
3: The shaman requires 3 weeks in the clan instead of one.
4: Access and admin flags must be given to me, jew, and raider.
5: Cannot use greet messaging. This is causes it to disconnect.
6: Must be able to connect for atleast 5 hours a day.
These rules will only be changed if EXTREMELY needed. The rank of op is really important and should not be just given to anybody. I know some of you might not like me making these rules since I have only been in the clan for hardly a day but I don't plan to see this channel go to hell like clan dfsx did.